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GMB Local Ranker

GMB Local Ranker ACN: 662302712
Australia | New Zealand | Japan | Singapore | Malaysia

GMB Local Ranker

Our Strategy

We are focused on local search solutions and believe that our technology is well-positioned to provide a solution to the issues faced by Internet users and content publishers in their use of the Internet, which we believe can increase their search engine results pages (“SERP”) position for searches conducted within a certain proximity of their business’s core operating location. One of the challenges faced by SMBs is that around 81% of local searches are unbranded, which means that consumers are looking for a product or service but do not have a specific brand in mind, thus making highly ranked local products and services important. It is anticipated that mobile searches will influence around US $1.8 trillion in sales by 2023.


The goal for many content publishers (i.e., business owners) is for their own website or other online presence solutions to appear in the first SERP for related keyword searches. For example, a plumber may want to feature in searches where the keywords are “hot water systems” or “leaking tap.” Accordingly, a website’s keyword ranking is very important because the higher a website ranks in the SERP, the more likely Internet users will view the website. Given that more than 90% of all websites receive zero organic traffic and a further 5% receive less than 10 visits a month, the value of having an online presence optimized for search engines is self-evident.

Where a business can achieve more than one result in a SERP this is likely to lead to more calls, map views, requests for directions or form fills. This means the business can be expected to acquire more leads, which could generate more revenue. The importance of ranking well in an organic search is emphasized by the fact that around 97% of consumers that search online will search for local business.


Search engines, like Google, have developed a series of algorithms to determine what content is best served for a particular keyword search. While search engines do not publish specific details about how their search algorithms operate, SEO is the method used to increase the likelihood of obtaining a high ranking (ideally first page) for relevant keyword searches. One market example that demonstrates performance was when a Yellow Pages online directory company provided GMB Local Ranker with listing data for a services business in a major US region. GMB Local Ranker utilized the same data as the Yellow Pages business listing and within less than 30 days, the GMB Local Ranker powered landing pages were ranking higher than the Yellow Pages listing using specific service and location keywords.


A common SEO strategy involves paying an advertising fee to a search engine to appear in keyword search results. Google Ads (formerly Adwords) is an example of such a program. The major disadvantages to a business of implementing such a strategy are cost, complexity and a behavioral phenomenon coined “banner blindness,” which describes the phenomenon of users having learned to ignore content that resembles ads, is located in close proximity to ads, or that appears in locations traditionally dedicated to ads.


Given the challenges with paid advertising, there are a number of widely accepted SEO principles that can be applied to websites to positively influence search results. We have determined that there are eight key factors, what we call the “8S Factors,” which, when implemented collectively, we believe create a compelling local search solution. The “8S Factors” can be broken down into three core categories, in each of which we believe we have a competitive advantage in the market:

  • Core technology advantages

  • Automated SEO features

  • Commercial scale and agility

  • Core Technology Advantages

    At the core of our technology is a platform that is able to publish any type of content on any device. The pages produced are fast loading across all device types and securely hosted. Based on typical load times, GMB Local Ranker powered landing pages load around two times faster than 99% of all websites.


    Factor 1: Speed - page load speed is widely recognized as one of the top -ranking factors.


    There are a number of studies that suggest page loading speed times is a major factor that determines search ranking results.
    Our technology fundamentally changes the way web pages load on the Internet.


    Generally, other website development platforms utilize the web browser on a user’s device to interpret the website’s code (instructions on what to display and how). The web browser then loads that content in a sequential manner (for example, header followed by image, followed by text block, followed by another text block). Accordingly, the page loading speed is the sum of the time to load each individual page element.


    We use an alternative page loading process whereby each page element loads simultaneously in its own micro server, resulting in page load speed being equal to the slowest loading element.


    The overall result is that websites built on our technology theoretically load significantly faster compared to an equivalent website built on other technologies. In summary, our page load speed is the slowest page element versus platforms using traditional methodology where page load speed is the sum of loading individual page elements.


    Factor 2: Seamless - content needs to be ubiquitously displayed across all devices.


    Since 2015, Google has preferentially ranked mobile-friendly web pages (that is, ones that employ responsive display techniques). Traditional methods of delivering content to mobile devices have led to two streams of website development: responsive and adaptive web design. As both methods address the issue of rendering websites on various screen sizes, the term “responsive web design” is commonly used to refer to either method, however, there are key technology differences between the two. Responsive web design relies on a flexible grid that responds to any screen or device size by changing a website’s layout to suit the viewing device. In contrast, under adaptive web design the viewing device is detected and the website’s layout adapts to predefined content and style based on the specific device’s screen size.


    Our technology delivers content in an “adaptive” fashion; meaning our technology detects the type of device accessing the website and only transmits content specifically for that type of device based on a predetermined set of layouts. The page elements are rendered on our servers, which removes the need for the device browsers to interpret the HTML. This also allows specific content to be served to specific devices. For example, a particular image can be selected to be shown on desktop browsers, versus a different image on a Samsung Galaxy phone or on an Apple iPad; this allows for very targeted marketing.


    Factor 3: Security - a website must have security features to protect consumers.


    Our technology is hosted on Amazon Web Services, Inc. (“AWS”) and we automate the application of SSL security certificates for the pages published by our technology.

    Automated SEO Features

    Factor 4: Schema - universal coding language that provides context to content.


    In 2011, Schema.org was founded in collaboration between Google, Bing, Yahoo! and, later, Yandex with the aim of creating a universal “search engine language” – essentially a form of software code that is included in webpages to “label” or “mark” specific content in order to make it easier for search engines to “read.” Adding schema markup to a website adds structure to content, which assists search engines to identify different content that might be relevant to a search query, such as events, prices and opening hours.


    In April 2019, we determined a method to programmatically apply schema markup to content published in websites produced from our technology. This is an alternative solution to the current practice of website developers manually coding schema into individual websites (both new and existing).


    Regardless of the volume of structured data synchronized with our technology, provided there is a unique identifier for each client in a data set, the technology can automate the production of web pages for each client in the data set and apply schema markup to every piece of content. This includes all types of schema including, but not limited to, website, organization, local business and breadcrumbs.


    Factor 5: Speakable - applying code to assist rapidly growing voice search.


    Currently in beta testing, “Speakable,” developed by Google, is a type of schema which translates longer-form website content from text-to-speech, allowing for audible playback. In April 2019, we developed a method to programmatically apply both schema markup and speakable code to websites produced from our platform. This is an alternative solution to the current practice of website developers manually coding schema and speakable into individual websites (both new and existing).


    Factor 6: Page structure - optimized page structure helps search algorithms better understand content.


    We understand the importance of page layout and URL structure when deploying a page that is aiming to rank for products and services in a defined geographical area. Content synchronized with our technology is published to a pre-built design template which automates the production of the page, attribution of the schema and speakable code and generation of optimal headers and URL structure.

    Commercial Scale and Agility

    Factor 7: Synchronize - consistency of commercial content strengthens confidence in data.


    Our technology can integrate with any structured data set via any standard data transfer methods including, but not limited to: API, CSV, and XML. Examples of datasets that are already integrated with us include Google My Business (GMB) profiles, citation management solutions and digital solutions marketplaces. The benefit of synchronization is that the client can maintain a trusted source of truth as the primary data source while being able to publish that content to our generated web products.


    Factor 8: Scale - automated web page production at scale from synchronized data sets.


    We believe our technology allows any volume and type of structured data to be published to any device with a browser that is connected to the Internet. As an extension of that, our technology can ingest very large quantities of data, from which it can produce a separate website for each entity contained in the data feed. Each website can have schema markup applied to all its content published online via the platform.

    Our Products and Services

    We provide an integrated suite of solutions with the objective of helping maximize the local online presence for business owners.
    The products can be broadly categorized as:


    1. Listings  

    2. Landing pages  

    3. Locators  

    4. Marketplace

    Copyright © GMB Local Ranker 2023. All Rights Reserved.